Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wishes Don't Happen on 11/11

I know, it's been a very long time.
So dust off your eyes and look to the screen once more, for love has me writing again.
I hope you enjoy, and please savour the moment.
Because I feel that it will be a while until this voice speaks again.

Inspired by the works of Shakespeare, a girl and how sometimes, things just don't work out.

Wishes Don't Happen on 11/11

Ever since my first yearning breaths in this world
I have been told, by both the young and old
That the heart is the wisest and strongest
Of all that a man will ever possess

Ever since I could listen and hear,
People, pictures, strangers and friends have said
That one must heed to his heartly desires
Above and amidst, the roaring whipsers
Of reason and logic, as their guidance
compares not with the immutable cry
Of the infinite truth that lies within,
the yearning dark cavern of a man's chest

Ever since I could look forth and see
My eyes were bedazzled, with the beautiful vision
That one must follow what he sees as true
That which he hears as the voice of his heart
For love does conquer all and everything else
For the dim light of a man's beating heart
Can light up the greatest chasms of dark

So I listened and watched, I understood
That all that did matter was love, love, love
So the voices of reason and logic
Promptly silenced themselves, lending their ears
To the beating commands my heart did shout
And I chased and I caught what I searched for

But there were no fireworks, no hip hip hoorays
Just jealousy, sadness and copius pain
Soon as I thought, I'd finished the puzzle
The world came and threw it out of my hands
As soon as the final piece did fall in
Everything did so quickly fall apart
My friends and my brothers, those of my blood
Did cease to speak, opting to give instead
a painful treatment of silent detest
I'd walk past my brother, he'd walk past me
And we'd stare at the ground, not looking up
Him not wanting to see the man
that had taken what was rightfully his
I not wanting to see his eyes
For they would have been brimming with rage

And it was then as I stared at the ground
That I really did see, what love had done
And as I sat alone in my silence
I heard the fruits of my own hearts advice
I stared and I saw, I listened and heard
I looked and my friends were not there
Just pity and consolation from kind mouths
So I then closed my eyes, listened instead
But none of my brothers did speak to me
And it was within this piercing silence
That I heard my head say, its first wise words
"Why the hell did you listen to him?"

For whilst my heart beats strong, and much louder
Than the tiny voices in my vex'd skull
I shall cease to listen to its pulsing
and allow the voice of my mind to guide me
For the voice of my mind gives good counsel
And the voice of my heart only gives pain

And so forth, I then did come to decide
That the dead weight of my humanity
Shall give way to invincilibility
So with this statement I have come to say
That I renounce, reject and relinquish
the dumb advice of the voice in my chest
Though I am hoping that perhaps one day,
he'll speak and have something worthwhile to say
But until then, I will cease to listen